Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Words of Encouragment by New Author, Chris Reardon

     As if writing a whole book wasn't hard enough, now you have to work to get it a publisher!
The first real step, at least for me, was writing the query letter. I really disliked this part, because I couldn't possibly imagine cutting my story into a couple paragraphs. Even along with that, I couldn't imagine how to "pull" or "hook" them into it with just a few lines. Everyone has their own opinions of how to do this, and most of them contradict each other anyway. So you really just have to do the best you can.

     The synopsis (2-3 page summary) was just as annoying! Once again, I hated the idea of condensing my over 70K book into 3 pages, but, it's what a lot of them want. So, I had to somehow merge the whole beginning, middle, and end into it.

     After submitting to publishers I found via Google, (for my genre, fantasy) the most annoying part came. WAITING! I understand they get a lot of queries, but many of them seriously make you wait over 3 months for a response! I guess there's no way around that with all the queries they get.
So, despite the work required, you can do it! No matter what response you get, many are willing to give you some tips on what to improve with your book, query, synopsis, etc. until you get accepted. Keep at it!!

Thank you, Chris! 

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